Peter de Bree: A New Challenge

After co-founding and investing in Penthus for almost 3 years, Peter now has accepted a new challenge. As of January 1st 2025 he will be leading Jumbo Maritime from their Schiedam office through its next fase of development. In his role as CEO of JUMBO, Peter will be committed to strengthening the company and ensuring […]
GRANTED: Patent in the Netherlands.

Patent on new Monopile Installation Method granted.
CONFIRMED: Foundation installation cost reduction!

Unprecedented market pricing for monopile installation now available.
Penthus’s New Build Pricing

Pricing installation vessel set sail with Fearnley Offshore.
GustoMSC NG-20000X platform adjusted for PENTHUS PIV Design.

Vessel design nearing its next milestone!!!
Bleutec Industries receives AiP from ABS

PENTHUS U.S.-spec. PIV receives A.B.S. approval in principal.
Lo (Lodewijk) Maan joins PENTHUS.

Introduction of our new colleague.

Capital secured by Bleutec for U.S. spec PENTHUS PIV.
Vessel Engineering in full swing!

Our exciting journey has entered a new and important stage: the US-spec design of our Pile Installation Vessel by C-Job Naval Architects.

US Kick-Off: 4th of July 2022