Penthus’s New Build Pricing

After months of design and preparation, we are proud to announce we have signed an agreement with Fearnley Offshore as our exclusive broker to reach out to yards for our innovative offshore foundation installation vessel. For 150 years Astrup Fearnley companies have been supplying the worlds shipping and offshore companies with a wide range of services. It is a privilege for Penthus to receive support from a highly professional and experienced broker in our quest to revolutionize the offshore foundation installation market.
With a proven MSC Gusto design and quality Huisman cranage, the support of Fearnley Offshore brings us another step closer in chasing our goal to introduce a new installation method. In support of creating a predictable and sustainable installation for offshore wind structures, we fully trust and expect that the yard pricing will confirm our claim to radically reduce the cost of heavy offshore monopile foundation installation compared to the current market pricing, whilst minimizing the ecological footprint. 

In Q2 2024 we expect the yard pricing exercise to be finalized. We will keep you posted!

Do you have a question for us?

Feel free to call us: +31(0)6 – 57 99 77 81